Utility Services

KD Plumbing can also take care of all your utility needs, whether it be a large new subdivision or small line extensions. Municipalities, Rural Districts or Developers are welcome. KD Plumbing has a full line of equipment waiting. We can help from the planning process to the finished product. KD can do water, sewer, electric, gas & communications. KD Plumbing also handles all your storm drainage needs. We can pour all your concrete drainage structures as well as, 6' diameter and 4' diameter concrete manholes in place. Need a lift station installed or repaired? No problem!

Just a few things KD Plumbing offers are
  • Mini, Medium & Full Size Excavators
  • Skid Steer Work with brush cutting
  • Horizontal Boring
  • Hydro-Vac Service
  • GPS
  • Laser Installation
  • Utility Line Locating